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电影院用英语怎么说(电影院英语怎么说 电影院英文单词解释)

2023-05-29 20:17:17户外运动1



电影院用英语怎么说(电影院英语怎么说 电影院英文单词解释)

英 ['s?n?m?] 美 ['s?n?m?]

n. 电影院,电影(艺术,拍摄,技术)

例句:There is a telephone booth near the cinema.

翻译:电影院附近有一个 *** 亭。

短语:go to the cinema 去看电影



英 [f?lm] 美 [f?lm]

n. 电影,薄膜,胶卷

vt. 把......拍成电影,给......覆上一薄层,拍照片

vi. 变朦胧,拍摄电影

例句:He made a film about Egypt.


短语:develop a film 冲洗胶卷

电影院英语怎么说 电影院英文单词解释

1、电影院的英文有cinema和movie theater, 均作名词使用。


3、movie theater读音:英[?mu?vi θ??t?(r)]美[?mu?vi θi??t?r]。n.电影院。






movie theater


在电影院前 in front of the cinema

首都电影院 Capital cinema

大使电影院 Embassy Theatre


1. I'd rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway.


2. Who're you going to the pictures with?


3. The cinema was freezing.


4. The theatre is £500,000 in the red.


5. Theatres and cinemas were grouped mainly on the two streets.


6. It's only several minutes from here to the cinema.


7. The newsreel had almost finished when I went to the cinema.


8. For amusement, we go to the movies once a week.


9. The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day.


10. Many theaters and cinemas have seats that can be tipped up.


11. Television has attracted away a lot of audience from the cinema.


12. The ship's cinema was empty because everyone was on shore.


13. Children are not permitted into the cinema without their parents.

儿童 没有父母带领不准许进电影院.

14. The cinema will reopen next week after the renovation.


15. What time does the theater go in?






movie theater



As soon as his father went out, the boy ran to the cinema.


He stole into the cinema without being caught.


The cinema is not far, you can get there on foot.


My girlfriend and I are habitual cinema-goers.


The crowd swarmed out of the cinema after the film ended.

电影院附近有一个 *** 亭。

There is a telephone booth near the cinema.


The light went out just as we entered the cinema.


There is a snack bar in the lobby of the movie theatre.


We entered the theater just in time to see the beginning of the movie.


The fans sat enthralled in the darkened cinema.


Who're you going to the pictures with?


The theatre is £ 500,000 in the red.


The country has relatively few cinemas.


Tickets are sold at the entrance to the cinema.


They plan to fabricate a cinema next year.


A cinema is a place of entertainment.


And even though more theaters are being built, there are few institutes where actors and directors can study.


It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.


Pauline spent three wretched hours at the cinema dreading the moment when she must go home and face her hu *** and again.


in 2013, china achieved a record-breaking high for its film instry's box-office revenues, which officially register at 21.769 billion yuan ($3.59 billion). but according to wang changtian, ceo of enlight, that was at least 5 billion yuan short of the real number. other experts put the gap at 2.4 billion, explaining the reported box-office figure at 10 percent less than the real one. that gap is someone's windfall, illegally pocketed by cinema owners and operators, professionally known as film exhibitors. and the regulating agency is getting tough on this kind of theft.

wang changtian has reasons to be angry. over the lunar new year season that has recently wound down, he received on his microblog numerous audience reports, complete with photos, of tickets to dad, where are we going?, a runaway hit his company distributes. the tickets had no movie title printed on them or the prices printed were lower than what was actually paid by the moviegoers - all signs that the movie's revenues were not correctly registered.

the earliest manifestation of the shady practice of "box-office stealing" loomed a few years ago when indivial moviegoers posted suspicious tickets online. tickets of this type usually had movie title "a" computer-printed on it, but the printed title was scratched out by hand and title "b" written in. fingers were pointed at the procer or distributor of title a, but more likely it was the movie theater that was behind it. the reason could be simple: film a gives the exhibitor a larger share of the revenue than film b.

however, this is just the tip of the iceberg. instry insiders reveal it was much worse before computer systems were installed in the nation's cinemas, and of course, before social media websites turned everyone into a potential reporter of such business deceit. as a matter of fact, some cinema investors were not even aware that they had to split their revenue with other parties. "this phenomenon started from the age of planned economy," says mao yu, deputy director of the film bureau, a branch of the regulating agency.

but it may have turned from guerrilla tactics to larger-scale con games. for group purchases, violators would not even issue tickets, essentially not reporting a single cent of revenue from a whole screening. since a representative of the group usually deals with the cinema, unless he or she specifically demands a printed ticket for each member of the group, all of them would be in the dark about income reporting from the cinema to the distributor.

another trick lies in membership es, which are often collected up front. when a paid member reimburses for a ticket, it may have only the screening room on it, and the exhibitors can choose to credit it to any movie they like, or not to any movie, in which case they pocket 100 percent of the revenue.

some cinemas would go as far as investing in a separate point-of-sale computer system so that each ticket buyer gets the right ticket, but none of the data shows up on the centralized system. instead, another set of credible purchase data would be put in the correct system, but with lower attendance.

both distributors and exhibitors that i spoke to agree that cheating is much less rampant than before, say a dozen years ago, and now is mostly limited to third and fourth-tier cities. china film group, the nation's largest film proction and distribution company, heads a consortium with several major private companies that hires 1,000 people to monitor cinemas nationwide, and huaxia, another state-owned company, has a *** aller army of 800.

however, there are situations even these sharp-eyed monitors can do little about. for example, if a cinema sells a ticket for 80 yuan, which is normal for primetime, but gives away a free popcorn, it may attribute as much as 60 yuan of the ticket price to the popcorn, leaving only 20 as the ticket price. but it can argue that 20 yuan is the minimum price for this particular film agreed upon by both sides and therefore it does not violate any rule.

a similar scheme was employed when transformers 3 was bundled with yang shanzhou, a very *** all film with little box-office potential, making the latter into a strange film with eye-popping revenue (79 million yuan) but disproportionately fewer people who actually bothered to see it. there were sporadic online complaints about the practice even though consumers did not pay more for the package deal.

the state administration of press, publication, radio, film and television, the regulating agency, announced measures in late january to curb under-reporting and cheating on box-office revenues. a special fund is set up to subsidize the upgrading of computer software at point of sale. the current system was installed in 2005 and "cannot keep up with the new situation", in the words of jiang tao, director of the fund. "the new system will fix loopholes and shorten the reporting window to only 10 minutes after a sale is made instead of waiting till next noon, which is the current reporting lapse in time, which leaves room for manipulation. the national platform will be ready by may and the cinema side will complete their upgrading by october."

apart from putting a stamp of authorization on all sales systems, sapprft insists that all film tickets carry correct prices and movie admission. but conspicuously absent are concrete penalties for violations. the software upgrade will certainly be a great help, admit distributors and exhibitors, but it may not be enough.

"the cost of violation is still too low. if you're caught under-reporting 10 tickets, all you need to do is make up for the shortfall," says huang ziyan, vice-president of le vision pictures in charge of sales.

cao yong, a manager with the huaxing ume cinema chain, suggests that violators should have their business license revoked. "cinemas invest tens of millions of yuan and, with punishment of this severity, it would not make sense for them to steal 80,000 or 100,000 yuan from the box office."

other ideas have been floated such as the use of an infra-red camera that automatically scans a movie theater for attendance. the technology has been available for eight or nine years and it claims to have 95 percent accuracy. but it has never been put into use.

filmmakers are reluctant to stand firm when they become victims because they do not want to offend the exhibition branch of the business chain - the branch that deals directly with end users. some say they are no longer sad at the irregularity, but have come to the stage of despair.

this time it's for real, and "we'll cleanse the instry of this illegal and irregular behavior", says zhang hongsen, director of sapprft's film bureau.

2013年,中国电影行业票房收入创下历史新高,据 *** 统计,收入达217.69亿元人民币(35.9亿美元)。据光线传媒总裁王长田透露,这一数字比实际数字少了至少50亿元。还有专家认为二者之间相差24亿元,票房上报数字与实际数字之间相差至少10%。其中的差额,进了一些人的腰包,成为了放映方,即影院所有人和经营者的非法收入。监管机构开始对此类事件进行严肃管理。

王长田的气愤是有理由的。在刚刚结束的 春节 档期,他的微博上收到许多观众留言,并附上电影《爸爸去哪儿》的电影票照片。这部电影是光线传媒公司发行的热门影片。有的电影票上没有电影的名字,而一些电影票上标出的价格要低于观众实际购票的价格。这些都说明上报的电影收入并不真实。


但是,这已经从零散的现象,变成了规模巨大的骗局。违反规定的人甚至不会给团购观众发放电影票,在整场放映中基本不上报一分钱的收入。只有团购代表会与电影院直接打交道,所以如果他没有提出特殊要求,为每一位成员打印电影票,在电影院上报给发行方的收入 报告 中,是不会显示团购情况的。



我了解到的发行商和放映方都认为如今的欺骗行为较从前,就是十几年前,收敛了很多;现在只有三、四线城市会出现这样的行为。中国更大的电影 *** 和发行公司中国电影集团同数家大型私人公司共同组建并领导了一个协会,雇佣1000人监督全国的影院。另一家国有电影公司华夏电影公司也拥有一支八百人的队伍。


《变形金刚3》同票房潜力很小的小 *** 电影《杨善洲》捆绑,让后者取得了令人震惊的票房收入(7900万元),但是这一数字同极少量的观影人数并不相符。这是一种类似的手段。虽然消费者不会为这样的捆绑交易多付钱,但网上还是有一些对这类行为的投诉。



除了对所有销售系统进行管理,国家新闻出版广电总局坚持要求所有电影票显示正确的价格和入场费。但没有对违反规定的具体处罚 措施 。发行方和放映方承认,软件更新一定会提供很大帮助,但帮助可能不够。




电影 *** 方在受到损失时,不愿意太过严厉,因为他们不想得罪放映方,原因在于在商业链上放映方所处的环节直接接触终端用户。一些人说不再为这样的不规矩行为感到难过,而是开始失望。



1. 招商用英语怎么说

2. 电影院广告词

3. 关于电影院的英语对话

4. 电影院的英文单词

5. 买电影票英语对话阅读

6. 会员用英语怎么说

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