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2023-11-30 18:09:00休闲爱好1

Fujian small millet, also known as Job's tears, is a traditional Chinese medicine with rich nutritional value and multiple health benefits. It is mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong, and Taiwan regions in China. The millet is covered with a hard shell, which needs to be removed before consumption.

Health benefits of Fujian small millet

1. Lower blood pressure: Fujian small millet contains a good amount of potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension.

2. Improve digestive system: The high fiber content in small millet can help promote bowel movements and prevent constipation. It also helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

3. Strengthen immunity: The millet contains a variety of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, which can help boost the body's immune system and fight against diseases.

4. Weight loss: Small millet is low in fat and high in fiber, which can help reduce appetite and promote weight loss.


5. Anti-aging: Fujian small millet is rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent aging and improve skin health.

Taboos of Fujian small millet

1. Allergy: Individuals who are allergic to small millet should avoid consuming it to prevent allergic reactions.

2. Overconsumption: Small millet is a cool nature food and should not be consumed in large quantities, especially during the cold season, as it can cause damage to the spleen and stomach.

3. Cold and flu: Individuals suffering from cold and flu should avoid consuming small millet as it can worsen the condition.

4. Rheumatoid arthritis: People with rheumatoid arthritis should avoid consuming small millet as it can aggravate the condition.


In conclusion, Fujian small millet is a nutritious food with multiple health benefits, but it should be consumed in moderation and avoided by individuals with certain medical conditions. It is always recommended to consult a physician before adding any new food to the diet.

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